The place

screen shot 2019-01-20 at 12.58.00 pmThe place falls

The place calls

The place reminiscing

The ones with horns

The ones with holes

In the journey

Of the time.


The place sucks

The place chucks

The place twinning

With the ray of hopes

In the lost memories

Of the unheard notes.


The place witnessing

The place kissing

The lips of the time

In a corner

To plead once again

From the fallen ones.


The place refused

Its presence

In misty memories

Hiking across the moors

It’s time

for a rendezvous

By a hike

In a new place.


Yes, it’s time!


©Bhavya Prabhakar

Photo by Pexels


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I love this word, delete

Wrapped in shell

Of tiny secrets

In the life.


Up and down

Scrolling the entries

In my mind

What to delete

To make the picture

Perfectly clear.


I love this word, delete

Wrapped in desire

Of love or hatred

Or the necessity

Of that time.


What should be kept

Or deleted

Was the weirdest gap

To fill with the maturity

Of yours.


I love this word, delete

Sometimes replaced

By creation

Why to delete, then

Becomes a question

Of the sudden eruption.


Creation meant to be deleted

Or it’s the necessity of

Well being.


I love this word, delete!!


©Bhavya Prabhakar



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Retrospectively, I can sense

my failures

were never meant

to be successful

in the journey of life,

up and down

I was drowning

into the flood of war.


Retrospectively, I can understand

my weaknesses

were never too bold

to take the stand

against the dark

side of yours,

as you were peeling my skin

to show your audacity.


Retrospectively, I can see

why I went wrong

to dive into the new waves

so high and natural

to touch the deepest

emotions with calmness

to be craziest of all time.


Retrospectively, I can say

I was never like this

insane and wired

so much to explore

through the layers

of insanity and weirdness

still, contented and composed.


Even if, I am lost

I love this new dive

Taking me back

To the clusters of shine!!


Copyright Bhavya Prabhakar



A Chronicle of childhood!!!

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What you wanted to be

Why you want to do

What do you like

Why you look like this

What is your agenda

To respond to all these

Hell questions 

Were posed in little steps of yours

Some were peripheral to the

Main business of growing up

Some were relevant to the 

Existence of yours

With an intention 

To relocate the journey 

Nobody wanders to be nil

In the will of life

The cycle is vicious

As the format is identical

To grow in the dreams

To learn the fairytale

To adapt the behaviour

To nourish an ambition

To be jealous from toys.


The Childhood has blessing 

To have the innocence

To keep a balance

To maintain a distance

From the gossips of mockery

But the childhood has twists too

To burst out laughing

To mock on others

To imitate a bit

As seriousness is far way

In the steps of illumination.


True that, childhood plans fail

In order to have more

To incline towards strangers

The fellows can motivate or demotivate

But the courage has the determination

To surpass the reactions

To blend the flavors of actions

The soul is pure

Even if designation is lower or higher

Why to blame the upbringing

And the parentage!!!!!!!


Bhavya Prabhakar