Poems published in Muse India

I am excited to share that my four poems, ‘ The Shooting Star’, ‘In the Dreams’, ‘ An Anxious Mother’, and ‘ Your Soul’ have been published in a literary e-journal, Muse India. It has a primary objective of showcasing Indian writings in English. The journal offers a wide range of literary forms- poetry, essays, short stories, conversations with writers and book reviews. I am filled with gratitude to see my work on the website. I’m thankful to the editors and the entire team of Muse India.

Here is the link to the new edition released recently http://www.museindia.com/Home/ViewContentData?arttype=poems&issid=94&menuid=9230

Happy blogging!!

Bhavya Prabhakar

To Self



“Building a hemisphere of life

can cause an injury to the left or the right hemisphere

in the situations unrealistic, perverted by time;

urging for something to happen

in the sphere of interest

can be subjected to desires unknown

turning into desperation firmly;

hemisphere of life has despised itself, peculiarly

for the conspiracy to destroy the self”

A note to self: having a desire is natural but desperation

can lead to mental imbalance.


Photo by Pexels


Lock me down!!

Lock me down at the
seashore ; carry me to
the caves of destiny.

Lock me down in the darkness
of the wild, to sink into the
gloomy shades of mine.

Lock me down on the mountains,
to catch hold of the heights unknown.

Lock me down in the ocean,
to create the history of motion.

Lock me down in the dilemma
of life, to argue with the hopes of life.

Lock me down in the room,
to disagree and to agree
with the first draft of mine.

Lock me down in the memories
of thine, to comprehend the existing
version of mine.

Lock me down between the lines,
to be searched with a desire known,
understood only by some!!!



The day started with little laze,

wondering if it’s the same roof under

which I started giggling.


I was lost in something gazing at the trees

visible through my window.


What it was ? Was it a myth?

I could not stop gazing at the little creatures

chirping loudly, fighting with each other.


Lost in thinking about this old wicked Leprechaun,

who often came in my dreams

in a modern stereotypical depiction.


In an era of moderation, I liked his appearance

quite chic to disturb my sleep.


My sleep wanting his presence,

to be lost again in his mischievous attempts.


The gaze is not yet over, leprechaun became

an imaginary character of my insomnia!!


Photo by google.com

The place

screen shot 2019-01-20 at 12.58.00 pmThe place falls

The place calls

The place reminiscing

The ones with horns

The ones with holes

In the journey

Of the time.


The place sucks

The place chucks

The place twinning

With the ray of hopes

In the lost memories

Of the unheard notes.


The place witnessing

The place kissing

The lips of the time

In a corner

To plead once again

From the fallen ones.


The place refused

Its presence

In misty memories

Hiking across the moors

It’s time

for a rendezvous

By a hike

In a new place.


Yes, it’s time!


©Bhavya Prabhakar

Photo by Pexels


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The skyscrapers

In a black city

Attracting the throng

To surrender the things

When the sense

Of newness wears off.


Build an attempt

So high

With an aim so tight

To render love

In a warm and vivid

Colors of shine.


The boredom is obvious

After a while

Causing trauma

Upside down

To change the things

When the sense

Of newness wears off.


The conscious mind

Dealing with vibes

Of an old urge

Turning to be fine

To replace with love

Of a vulnerable type.


It’s an alone flight

Of a luminous light

Which is inside

The newness will

Stay after a while

With a divine light

In this alone journey

Of life!


© Bhavya Prabhakar


Come close to life!

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Jump into the river

Feel the sun

See the trees

Come close to life.


Release the tensions

Close the books

Come out of words

To attain the essence

Come close to life.


Stop working for a day

Walk on the streets

Observe the sky

Listen to birds

Chanting to please nature

Come close to life.


Stop running for a day

After the goals

Surprise the self

Bear the heat

Of the bright sun

Feel the sweat

Come close to life.


Look at the stars

Similar yet different

All over the world

Why differences

Then, here and there

Is it all about perceptions?


Commit to the soul

Stop and cease the moments

Come close to life!


©Bhavya Prabhakar

Inspired by some hindi lines from Radio ” Zindagi jee ke dekho ”


Archaic beliefs!

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Walking alone

or with someone

giggling alone

or with someone

shining alone

or with someone.

We are all alone

in ourselves,

yet having so

many auras inside

in that alone time.

Surrounded by many

at times,

yet empty inside.

Proving others to be

right, yet guilty


Have to play

your own game,

either with

honesty or


you have

to pass the ball.


The terms may

be archaic for you

but change the

archaic beliefs


before changing them



Copyright Bhavya Prabhakar




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Maturity is intense

To release the tensed

Coming with drawbacks

In a dose of love.


He said, “Maturity is key

to end the unwanted shouts,

trying to be real

along with the reflection

in the eyes.”


Is maturity ignorance

Is maturity leading to bluntness

Is maturity being self oriented

Or is it necessary to accept the self

Along with the others?


The Sun can be dangerous too

Causing premature ageing

The maturity can be dreadful too

Resulting into premature decisions.


Why to play with words

Whether you are happy with

Your maturity or not?

Is the question

Of the hour!


Copyright Bhavya Prabhakar