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 He peeled his skin, to see if

the blood has same purity as

the redness in his eyes,

the fact is silent

in the moonshine.


Purity has which colour

red or white

or is it because of the wine

He coloured himself red, to see if

He feels the purity as

the pure love in her eyes.


Felt so lost

to find this purity

was once there in her eyes,

he travelled to mountains, to see if the

he could find that colour

of purity in his own eyes.


Purity is playing games

or the game is to be pious

craving to fly to the moon

with her profound purity

still so lost,

to find that sparkle

in the blinking eyes.


He pulled his hairs, to see if

the hairs fall like he falls

to find the colour

the colour denied its presence

in front of purity.


“No colour can define me (Purity)

I am having colours of my own

keep changing

according to the beliefs 

of the unknown.”

Copyright Bhavya Prabhakar


Being drunk!!!

Il faut être toujours ivre. Tout est là:……..Mais de quoi? De vin, de poésie, ou de vertu, à votre guise. Mais enivrez-vous.                                        

One should always be drunk. That’s all what matters……But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.          By Charles Baudelaire

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The tippler is all set

Clutching a drink

To be lost in the shine 

Of the wine.


The numbness has arrived

With a drift in the mind

The abruptness is fine

If the zest is on cloud nine.


The words are little tipsy

With the state of mind

The lines are blurred

With an imaginary vision

Oh! the excerpt is concurred

With the plot created

Yet confused.


Let’s showcase the urge

And not the hangover

As the composition is 

In the process of completion

Yes, the tippler is all set

To exhibit his competence

With the outlook

To the fame.


Bhavya Prabhakar


Study: She wanted to see through his mind

via Daily Prompt: Study



The universe is deep

With alien thoughts

When an echo in her feelings

Fancying to separate the game and the player

Why this?


Lets ‘s study the intense mind

In a mollifying way

If the soul is divine and uncertain

Why she is unwilling

To walk down the seashore.


The studious being, sturdy muscular

Wants to study art, music, and so on

But falling out with her

Was the only alternative

In order to accompany the leisures of life.


She repents to be the game

Every time he throws his dice

Don’t defy to study

Don’t contravene the law of karma

Unless it’s time to pay off.



 Bhavya Prabhakar